Proyecto de generación de energía a carbón de 2×225MW en Meulaboh, Indonesia
The project is located in Aceh province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, invested and constructed by China Datang Group, which is the largest power supply of the power grid in the region and the only power project with foreign investment and construction in the local area.
As a well-known steel structure manufacturing service provider in China, Classic Group actively responds to the call for external construction and quickly sets up a professional technical team. In view of the difficulties of the project, we have conducted full discussion and demonstration, successfully won the bid and entered the list, and become one of the key suppliers of steel structure.
Hemos entregado alrededor de 5,000 toneladas de estructura de acero a tiempo, lo que ha sido altamente reconocido por la Parte A y las unidades de construcción, supervisión y otras participantes, mostrando una buena"clásico"imagen en el proyecto.
Classic Group aprovechará esta oportunidad para tomar la delantera en el diseño. Explore completamente el mercado del sudeste asiático.